
Madoc Yacht Club offers a warm and friendly welcome to visitors, old and new.

Our facilities are to be enjoyed by all visiting boats. This includes the bar, the showers, toilets and laundry facilities, not forgetting our Restaurant, Good Mood 

Anyone wishing to reserve a visitors' mooring for a forth coming visit please contact the club using the appropriate email contact details or telephone number. We look forward to seeing you very soon.

CARPARK - Madoc Yacht Club Car Park is a privately owned members only car park.  (operated by ONE PARKING) All members please remember to register your numberplate with the Club administrator to avoid any unneccesary fines.  Visitors please register your car registration number upon arrival.  

Restaurant visitors are not permitted to park within the Madoc Yacht Club Members only Privately owned Car Park 



All Mariners please call ahead and speak with either MYC Office 01766 512976 or the Co Bosun George McNamara 07789 746 686, so we can allocate a mooring. 


Please report to the Bar on arrival and co-ordinate you stay and payment with the staff. 


Berth holders can now register and pay their fees online through Gwynedd Council website 

Moorings and Mooring Licences ( under vessel mooring renewal, under Porthmadog Harbour and Mooring location change to private mooring. 

Owners wishing to do direct debit should contact Malcom Humphreys at Porthmadog Office

The Harbour, Porthmadog LL49 9LU  01766 512927


Useful Mariner Contact Numbers 

Porthmadog Harbour Master - 01766 512927  / 07879 433147

MYC 01766 512976 or Bosun - George McNamara 07789 746 686



Harbour Masters Download

Porthmadog Harbour Channel -
Tide Table 2024 - 2025 -
Local Notice to Mariners - Buoy 9 -
Local Notice to Mariners - 24.05.24 -
Local Notice to Mariners - Buoy 6 - 25.06 -
Local Notice to Mariners - 08.07.24 -
Mariners Notice 09.07.24 -

Current Fees

The Royal Yachting Association
© 2024 Madoc Yacht Club
01766 512976
An areaRT Website
Welsh Rowing Association